Energy Channels
Following the course of the breathe, we may begin to feel our own lines of energy, the blood coursing through our veins, activating our muscles and organs, giving life to our bodies and subtle selves. Two main lines of energies start at the nose, as we breathe in through the nostrils, the air passes upwards, meets and crosses between the eyebrows, then moves back downwards towards the lungs. As we exhale we create a release, while simultaneously giving back to our surroundings. On a subtler level these lines double helix through concentrated areas of our body, and then reconnecting at the root of the spine, and then back upwards, straight up the center. The points at which the left and right energy channels cross are at our "chakras" which most people imagine are these spinning wheels, but in a traditional sense are actually crossroads where our main channels and other smaller ones densely meet at. Imagine a ball of entangled strings or chords of wire. This...