The Container of Earth and Water


The container of subtle earth and water has been made, and is now growing.

The seed forms of pitta and vatta, can now be held and become more concentrated.

How can I allow my energies to settle, permeate evenly, and then channel them towards healing and 

making life better?

I must move slow in physical from, and also in thought.

To take time, and allow the 'space' to exist

Observing these moments, to accept them, embrace them, and love them completely 

"In Silence, One Rests in His True Nature" ૐ

So many paradoxes ☯ as one seeks for greater congruency. The seeker is on a path to the oneness state.

Overthinking, 'under' thinkers 

Blanked out, spaced out, versus Meditation

Reframing perhaps, is a way to observe our very nature in the best way. We are able to positively look at the times and observe the spaces when we are not 'in control' and embrace them intimately. 

Looking at them as an essential time to loosen our mental grips, and let the mind rest. Just like our body needs rest after any physical exertion.

And then, we can come back stronger than ever.

We are allowed to take as much time as we need, rest whenever the mind or body asks for it. We do not always need to be lost in thought, or thinking our way through every living moment. It is more than enough to simply be, sinking into stillness, a beautiful state of regeneration.

Peace and Love to all,

Iko Tumangan Yoga


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