Discussion: What is Most Necessary to Live a Happy Life

These articles will have some continuation, a flow of consciousness piggy backing off the last articles ideas. There will be a few detours, random poetry, and anecdotes sprinkled within this attempt at a fluid and connected story line.

Today is a day, like any other. Doing the things we think necessary.


I'd like to ponder what is truly necessary, and pose an argument regarding our personal power to create real change.

So what is necessary, let's start with a list. Please add in the comment section below anything you think is necessary to have in your life to be completely happy! 

  • Food,
  • Water,
  • Shelter, 
  • Sleep,
  • Prefer to have some clothing,
  • I like my computer and phone, it allows me to work and stay connected
  • Ok, so there are probably some items that will be subjective here, for an artist "I need my paints," for a tradesman, "I need my tools,” for a musician "his/her instruments" and etc.
  • Electricity and a Power Source
  • Toilet and Shower
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Books,
  • A Vehicle
  • Some Money
  • Friends are good, like minded people to share experiences and bounce ideas off with ๐Ÿ˜„

Anything else? Please leave your comments below, as it will give us an idea of what WE REALLY NEED. 

Also, I'd like to pose a questions. What if all our material needs were being met, then what is it we think will make us happy? What are the factors causing unhappiness in our lives if our basic material needs are being met?

Please leave a comment! Peace ✌



  1. I think happiness is a state of being. You can be truly happy when you whole heartedly believe you have enough.


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