
Showing posts from November, 2020

Decluttering the Mind Field

We must simply be. Merely allowing thought forms to arise. There is no need to judge, or create any type of situation in our minds.  In the case where these thought forms do arise,  we have the choice to entertain them or simply let them pass. This is a form of meditation,  Being an observer, allowing ourselves to identify less with our fickle and changing thought forms,  Perhaps this is what the ancient mystics meant by controlling our own thoughts. Controlling doesn't mean to suppress, or manipulate.  Rather control means to focus, channel, organize, and decide what we would like to keep and what we would like to truly let go of. Easier said than done, but I hope this is a simple and helpful guide in decluttering the 'mind fields.'  Become an observer, and give importance to those thoughts that make you truly happy and well.  Peace and Love Always!

Doing Nothing for a Moment to End Destruction

" Be Here Now" "Stay Present" "The Present Moment is the Only Thing That Matters" and so many cliché variations of the same meaning. It's so easy to toss these suggestions to someone, a friend, family member, or stranger in the throws of discussion. However are we grasping the significant implications of these simple one liners? These cliché lines simply sum up the various methods and disciplined spiritual practices that allow one to enter into this space (of being here and now).  The practices take some effort, and also allows us to get in touch with the most intimate layers of our being. We are in a current state in the world where our value system is throwing our society, economies, and environment completely out of balance. The value system makes perfect logical sense: "I should go into the world be successful and have abundance." People are convinced that this is the purpose of life no matter what the means are. This culture of "MOR...

Discussion: What is Most Necessary to Live a Happy Life

These articles will have some continuation, a flow of consciousness piggy backing off the last articles ideas. There will be a few detours, random poetry, and anecdotes sprinkled within this attempt at a fluid and connected story line. Today is a day, like any other. Doing the things we think necessary. Necessary. I'd like to ponder what is truly necessary, and pose an argument regarding our personal power to create real change. So what is necessary, let's start with a list. Please add in the comment section below anything you think is necessary to have in your life to be completely happy!  Food, Water, Shelter,  Sleep, Prefer to have some clothing, I like my computer and phone, it allows me to work and stay connected Ok, so there are probably some items that will be subjective here, for an artist "I need my paints," for a tradesman, "I need my tools,” for a musician "his/her instruments" and etc. Electricity and a Power Source Toilet and Shower Cleanin...

A Poem: Thoughts Blowing in the Wind

                                                                                          Picture from When everything becomes still, we can hear the winds blowing, the leaves whistling. We can feel the pulsation underneath our skin, the rhythm and sensations of the breathe.  The aches and pains of the body, our imperfections.  Somehow I believe in time, these areas will heal themselves. Yet we are only aging, our impermanence becoming more real in every moment, Tensions build within as we rough and sail the turbulent oceans of life,  In effect both mind and body become more solid, We become harder and stronger in some areas,  We lose our softness and genuin...

Seedless Thoughts

I'd like to venture out and start with this concept of seedless thoughts and paradoxically branch out from here. The premise is based on deeply rooted eastern philosophies, suggesting that only from a truly thoughtless space spawns every beings' best and natural course of action.  Contradictory to what is taught in most schools, family households, and media from an early age and deeply ingrained in the fabrics of society, is this want and need for control. We want control of our own lives, our resources, and to have a little more than our neighbor. We're taught that success is abundance, and this equals freedom. A value system giving the dollar excessively more value then we should, as the world falls apart due to our abuse cloaked in self righteousness.  So we as people stress our minds all day trying to use our heads to solve problems that we as society have created in the first place, or manipulate situations to get to were we want and win favor. However, what if we were...